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WCAIS Update

The Department of Labor & Industry implemented Release 1 of the Workers' Compensation Automation and Integration System, or WCAIS, on Sept. 17, 2012. The first of two releases, Release 1 will activate new functionality for the Workers' Compensation Appeal Board (WCAB) and Helpline.

Jean Fitchett vs. WCAB (School District of Philadelphia); 1713 C.D. 2011

Issue: Can a Workers’ Compensation Judge suspend a claimant’s benefits when Employer never formally requested a suspension of benefits?

Bowman v. Sunoco, Inc., No. 27 EAP 2011

Issue: Whether an agreement between an employer and employer disclaiming any tort liability for employer’s clients for injuries sustained in the course and scope of employment is voided by the public policy provision of the Act set forth in section 204(a).

City of Pittsburgh v. WCAB (Robinson), 100 CD 2011

Issue: Whether an employee’s election to receive pension benefits amounts to a voluntary withdrawal from the workforce and automatic suspension of workers’ compensation benefits.

John Glass v. WCAB (The City of Philadelphia), 18 WAP 2011

Issue: Whether a carrier can lose their subrogation interest under the Act based on the conduct of an employer.

Wallace Brewer vs. WCAB (EZ Payroll and Staffing Solutions); 337 C.D. 2012

Issue: Did the WCJ err in denying Claimant indemnity benefits when Employer failed to issue a Notice of Ability to Return to Work following the work injury?

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